Hi, my name is María Caprile, I currently work as a TV producer at Eltrece TV Chanel, in Argentina.
Due to the Maxima Zorreguieta Queen’s TV series we would like to interview you regarding the book you wrote about her, that inspired the tv show.
¿Is there any chance to do so? If so ¿Do you speak spanish?
Best regards,
AUTHOR: María Caprile
AUTHOR EMAIL: mcaprile@artear.com
SUBJECT: [Marcia Luyten] Contact
{“1_Naam”:”Mar\u00eda Caprile”,”2_E-mail”:”mcaprile@artear.com”,”3_”:”Hi, my name is Mar\u00eda Caprile, I currently work as a TV producer at Eltrece TV Chanel, in Argentina.\u00a0\r\nDue to the Maxima Zorreguieta Queen’s TV series we would like to interview you regarding the book you wrote about her, that inspired the tv show.\u00a0\r\n\u00bfIs there any chance to do so?\u00a0If so \u00bfDo you speak spanish?\u00a0\r\nBest regards,\u00a0″,”email_marketing_consent”:””,”entry_title”:”Marcia Luyten”,”entry_permalink”:”https:\/\/www.marcialuyten.nl\/”,”feedback_id”:”167b5da77ef0bf28ad85446fd091031b”}